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6 Magical Questions help you to get the best website design services.

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When you open up Google or Facebook and type "best website design services" in the search bar, there will be at least 1000+ results show up on your face. So pick first 5 to 6 options out from the list and put into the cheat sheet for how to find the best website designer we have prepared for you.

search bar for the best website designer yewebs blog

Next, how are you going to evaluate? Relax, we are here to share with you the most 6 questions to be asked before you say yes to any website designer.

Question 1: Where are they come from?

yewebs blog local or international website designers

Normally, most of the results are local website designers. So from this point, you need to think back where are the primary source of your customers is? Local or multiple countries?

If you are focusing on local customer and community, then it is no doubt you shall choose the website designer come from the same city whenever you are. To further filter the list, you can change your search term/phrases as following:

  1. Website designers in <Your city name>

  2. The best website design for <your business industry> in <your city name>

  3. need a website for <your business industry> in <your city name>

You can even filter the result with Google Search Tools and choose the website that written in the specific language you want it to be.

If you are doing an international business, then you should focus on those website designers who have experiences in dealing with international customers. With these experiences, they tend to be in the same mindset with you when coming across international business. They know what international businesses need and will show you the tools that you need to make the website even better.

Questions 2: Do you see any portfolio from their website?

yewebs blog post find the website designer with portfolio

Just like you interview someone for a job/position in your company, you dont know much about the candidate, so their experience always is the best guidance to get a rough idea on how it will be like if you hired him/her. So portfolio or previous projects will be the best place for you to evaluate whether this website designer or agency suitable for your project or not. So, browse through the tab/section from their official website, and see whether you can find their portfolio or not (normally start with the header "Our Customers", "Previous Projects" or "Our Portfolio").

If you can't find any, then you can cross them out from your list/put to the lowest priority. These designers or agencies either are new in the market, or they have no confidence in their design skills. If we go more extreme, we could say they dont even know how to market themselves.

Question 3: What is the platform they are using for website design?

yewebs blog post website design tools-expert website designer

This question may sound a bit technical, but this is important. The most common answers you might get will be WordPress, Wix, Squarespace & Shopify. Based on their answers, you will roughly know how deep they know about the tools they are using, and from here, you able to tell are they an expert or just a beginner. Further on, you can cross out some of the options from your list based on the level of expertise.

Question 4: Do they offer unlimited revision?

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Designing a website is not like cooking an instant noodle in your kitchen. It requires a few rounds of discussions and revisions. We know what you are thinking, "they can do it fast if they are professional."

Yeah, but remind yourself that they are stranger and they dont know you much as well. So certainly there will be some points that not matched with your style and preferences. So ask them for an unlimited revision and include it in their offer. Of course, it will be a certain cost incurred. Dont you feel it is better to get a website which is well-designed and able to represent your branding than a website that you don't even want to look at it?

If they can't give unlimited, ask for the maximum number of revision they could offer.

Question 5: What are the after-sales support they offered?

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You are not expert in website design, and support from the expert is crucial for you when something happened. So it is better to get to know what are the support they can provide to you.

Before we write on this section, there are few customers switch their website designing services from the other designer to us with the same reason - "I can't reach the designer anymore after I got the design!"

You can see how frustration no one can help you up when you want to make some minor updates on the website or something is not working as it supposed to be because of the system update. Make it even worse, some agencies or designers will ask for extra charges to make some minor adjustments.

So, remember. It is always you right to get all these support to be written in a black and white agreement before you start the project. Refer to the cheat sheet here for more details on what are the supports you should ask from any designer or design agencies.

Question 6: Pricing

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We put the pricing as the last question, and you should do the same too. Here is why. If you filter your list based on the pricing at the first place, you will find out you had missed out a lot of valuable services (refer back to the questions before this) from the designers who supposed to be the best fit for your project. You may not even realise how much you have lost until you found the right one.

Let us help you visualise it with the real case study below:

Alex is a local retailer and wishes to promote his business outside of the state he lived. He did the same thing like what most other business owners did, search for the options and filter based on the pricing offer in the first place. He had engaged with Designer A for getting a website at $450 (4 days to complete the first draft), but he did not like the design. Designer A charged him another $100 for the revision (2 days again to get the revision done) but the result still not up to Alex's expectation.

So Alex decided to go after Designer B, who charged for $450 to redesign the website. Luckily, Designer B did a splendid job. Alex was happy with the final design.

You can see, if Alex did not filter the list based on the pricing alone at the beginning, you could save up $550 & 6 days!

If you always put the pricing factor at the last step, you then only will realise where it will go for every single cent you are going to spend and what are the values you will get at the end of the project.


That's all from us for this topic. Download the cheat sheet if you want to hire a designer for a website or any other designing services. If you think it is useful, give us a like on this post and share it with your friends.

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